About Me
My name is Jaimin Shah but since as long as I can remember I have been called Jimmy by my friends & family.Cars, my first love, I got it from my father. When I was barely 3 years old I received my first lego set and it was a Jeep with a trailer that carried a Formula car on the trailer.

At the age of 16, my parents bought me a Bajaj Kawasaki Pulsar 180cc. It was more power then I could handle and I rode on the streets of India without a license for the most part. I later went to study Motorsports engineering at the University of Hertfordshire, England.

h until one day I lost a very close friend of mine in a motorcycle accident.
The ability to pull the throttle had gone. Reality hit. I realised we weren't invincible. I sold my motorcycle and it took me a year to get back on the motorcycle again. But that was the only thing I knew. It was the only thing that kept my heart beating.
So in 2012 I bought myself a Harley Davidson Forty-Eight and stripped it apart. I decided to use the Chassis, Engine and the Transmission but apart from that decided to build it ground up. I took help from some of my friends who were a part of the Custom Motorcycle community around the world. And I built myself, my version of the Rough Crafts Guerilla.
I called it Maria. It was the prettiest Harley Davidson built in India. And it's not something I claim but it was voted that. I won awards for that motorcycle.
This leads me to start a motorcycle company by the name of Prometheus Design Co. I started off with designing motorcycles for some of the best and leading motorcycle builders. Later I started selling aftermarket parts from leading parts manufacturers around the world. I also built several motorcycles under the name of Prometheus Design Co & Carbon Customs.
My passion for motorcycles and my company made me quite popular in India. Dealers and manufacturers sent me motorcycles as long term loans. So I would be seen using those motorcycles in public, as that influenced a lot of people to buy the motorcycle I was seen riding .
Some loved my work and some hated me. But I guess that's the perk of being an artist. I had more than 12000 people on my Prometheus Design Facebook page despite the fact that I never updated it regularly. I guess marketing was not my strong suit back then, But public relations was. I took pictures with my phone and uploaded it on the page and people from around the world loved my work.
After winning the Best Custom Motorcycle award in 2016 and after a very successful run, I decided to sell the company and liquidate the assets and move to California. It was one of the most difficult things I had to do. The Business that grew in my hands, that got me the fame and the awards, to let go of it was not easy. But to reach your ultimate goal one has to leave their current destination.
So currently, I am in California, still chasing my dreams... My blogs and vlogs are something I do when I miss the fast life, the fame, the popularity, the attention I got when I built motorcycles. My Blog and Vlog is my window to the world where I can meet new people, talk to new people and still voice out my opinions and hear people's opinions.
This is just the beginning of my journey, subscribe to my channel and buckle up as this is going to be a hell of a ride.